April 26, 2021Asked By:
Trustworthy917408in New York, NY
Hi, I was wondering if my teeth are too crowded or if there is a chance to correct them without pulling a tooth out. I've read some about the invisialgn method, and also heard that the dental arch can be adjusted, but not sure if possible in my case? Will i have to extract a tooth? Best regards
To answer your question we would have to do clinical and radiographic analysis. Invisalign currently has methods and tools to correct most dental malpositions without the need for braces. There are different techniques such as Stripping or enamel reduction (IPR) which consists of reducing the size of the tooth to gain a minimum amount of space.
I would also analyze the possibility of extracting wisdom teeth, although it is not always necessary to extract them, by the photos we can see lack of space and crowding also in the posterior sector, which can lead to decay and affect neighboring teeth.