October 15, 2021Asked By:
JackHeinin Winters, Texas
I have very small, gappy teeth. Recently, they started to break down and/or crumble. I currently have one pulled tooth, one tooth with half missing, one tooth with what feels like a hairline crack down the middle, and another tooth that chipped tonight. My wisdom teeth never fully came in, but the flaps of gum partially covering them hurt sometimes. Would dentures or veneers be good for me? Are there better options? I just want a nice, pain-free smile.
To be able to answer your question, clinical and radiographic analysis is needed, since from thephotos it would seem that there is agenesis of permanent teeth and presence of temporary teeth. Inaddition, it would be necessary to consider the technique of coronary lengthening since the gum isbeyond the cervical limit. After resolving the periodontal esthetics, a decision on veneers ororthodontics should be made based on the radiographic analysis.