July 6, 2022Asked By: Linhlinh135790in Fremont, CA
So, I'd scheduled my my from teeth implant it because my crown tooth has broken from the gum lines. But, when the doctor had taken 3D Scan, he found out that I have an extra tooth above the tooth that he supposed to extract it in order to put the titanium implant in. He suggested not to take the broken tooth out and just simple do the bridge instead. It's my central incision.
Although more studies would be necessary, from what you we can see in the picture the fracture line of central incisor is at the border of the gum, so there are two options, one is to perform root canal treatment and place a post and crown, which is risky because there is not enough supporting structure, the other option is to extract the remaining tooth, and place an implant. Regarding the retained tooth found in the x-ray, more studies are needed, because depending on the location, the type of surgery needed will be decided.At Empower Your Smile, Dr. Bagga will be in charge of guiding you through this process and answering your questions